OBS Feed

 OBS Feeds feature quality protein sources and added lysine, the first limiting amino acid for horses.

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OBS Hi-Amo Plus 
​(sweet) 12/5
OBS Hi-Amo Plus is a textured concentrate feed. Has additional lysine for optimal growth and development. 

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OBS Gest-O-Lac
​(textured) 14/6
OBS Gest O Lac is  for broodmares and foals, with higher protein and fat to support lactation and the growing fetus

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OBS Mane 10 
​(sweet) 10/3.5
OBS Mane 10 is a high-quality feed formulated with the pleasure horse in mind

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OBS Easy 10
​(pellet) 10/3.5
OBS Easy 10 is a pelleted feed for pleasure horses and those at maintenance. 

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OBS Sport
OBS Sport feed is  specifically for sport horses, also it delivers cool energy from fat and fiber rather than starch.